Life and how we Live

No matter what religion or faith. Children are our future. They learn from books and teachers but mostly learn from our examples. How we live, our values, do we care about others, do we love.

As a Christian my faith is really easy to understand. Love God with all our heart. Love our neighbors as ourself. Sometimes not easy. In my 72 years of life, many my brothers in Christ do not follow this and many Christian churches DO NOT especially children.

I am going to write much more about this. My Life in Thailand with my children and my experience with Thai churches.

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Help us get our book published.

Kickstarter an all-or-nothing funding model. If our project doesn’t reach its goal, then funds don’t get collected, and no money changes hands.

Chinese Shrines Phuket Thailand

Chinese Folk Religion

Book will document the shrines with emphasis on beauty .

I started visiting the shrines out of curiosity and photographing them several years ago. Certainly nothing like them in the USA. Coming from the Phuket International Airport on the main highway is Tha Rue. Most of the shrines are off the tourist path. Side streets and allies.

Kickstarter is a crowd source company for artist , writers, creative projects.

Multiple rewards for backers.

Book will be available as PDF, eBook and a hard copy. Approximately 80 to 120 pages. 8×10 image wrap cover printed by Blurb.

Mostly full page spread and some across double page. Printed on quality paper. Will add description each shrine and location.

My Goal is to preserve my art for my children in a physical format where they actually can hold vs digital format.

Please visit our project at Kickstarter to learn more.

Chinese Shrines

Please support us. Patty and Jojo and me . By supporting us you become an important member of our team. Could not do this project without you. Thank You.

I learned about the school and the need when a friend ask me to join her to go to Pak Ping Church in Phang-Nga Thailand.  Located just north of Phuket Island. She was giving the sermon that morning. If you are at Khao Lak for a holiday , they speak english so a friendly place for tourist.

But today I want to write about Khao Lak Christian Bilingual School Project which Pak Ping Church is building.  Their goal and the need for the school. 

We support this project. Please donate if possible and share the information.

There is a preschool there now but in process of building a primary English language school.

Contact information

The project school website

Their Facebook page .

For a google map click here 

Watch “Khao Lak Christian Bilingual School” on YouTube

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