Health/Medical Care SE Asia

We will be trying to bring together many resources in one place and give an overview of each countries healthcare and medical. We are NOT doctors but are relying on medical and government sources. Should always check with you doctor and get updates on travel from your government. Also will cover what you need to do to protect yourself living in or traveling to SE Asia. We will always give the source of the information! I will use the US Health Agencies and US Dept of State for a large portion of information and advice. New for 2016 we will add Holistic Medicine and Health. Not for just travel but for everyday wellbeing.

On this page we will cover some of the common issues and illnesses common all thru SE Asia and then add a separate section for each country and list some of the major hospitals.

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Understanding how to stay healthy on the road isn’t as obvious as it is at home, and it’s a shame that so many people are put off visiting amazing countries for this reason. But with a little bit of know-how and a touch of common sense, it’s possible to drastically reduce your chances of picking up a nasty bug and return home as healthy as ever.

We will start before you leave your home country

  • Vaccinations Are Required for Entry to Some CountriesSome countries require foreign visitors to carry an International Certificate of Vaccination (aka Yellow Card) or other proof that they have had certain inoculations or medical tests before entering or transiting their country. Before you travel, check the Country Specific Informationand contact the foreign embassy of the country to be visited or transited through for currenty entry requirements.Health Experts Recommend Vaccinations for Travel to Some CountriesThe U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) can provide you their recommendations for vaccinations and other travel health precautions for your trip abroad.
  • Does Your Health Insurance Cover You Outside your home country.

    Learn what medical services your health insurance provider will cover overseas. Although some health insurance companies will pay “customary and reasonable” hospital costs abroad, very few will pay for a medical evacuation back to the United States, which can easily cost up to $100,000, or even more, depending on your condition and location. Regardless of whether your insurance is valid overseas, you may be required to pay for care when you receive it.

    If your insurance policy does not cover you abroad, consider purchasing a short-term policy that does. Many travel agents and private companies offer insurance plans that will cover health care expenses incurred overseas including emergency services such as medical evacuations.

    If you take prescription medication:

    • Pack enough to last your entire trip, including some extra in case you are unexpectedly delayed.
    • Carry your medications in their original labeled containers, and pack them in your carry-on bag since checked baggage is occasionally lost or delayed.
    • Ask your pharmacy or physician for the generic equivalent name of your prescriptions in case you need to purchase additional medication abroad.
    • Get a letter from your physician in case you are questioned about your carry-on medication; some countries have strict restrictions on bringing prescription or even non-prescription medications into the country without proper medical documentation.

WE Recommend having travel insurance

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3 Comments on “Health/Medical Care SE Asia

  1. Pingback: CDC creates new way to vaccinate | by jackie | Life SE ASIA MAGAZINE

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