Manali in my thought ..differences by Moksha

Love to write about Manali in different way..not about Geography..not about her beauty as many has seen and a witness by to take you to some other aspects as i have been experienced in my daily life and love to go through in deep story more and more.


Have no doubt ..why Manali,such a small town..her history and beauty named as a land of gods…so charming and attract so many tourists visit every year..some people visits Manali every year for 4-5 months stay …some becomes expat …settle down..earn,live,have a dog,pet,marriage with the local who is really welcome.

Me too,i look at Manali as my retire place for my ending journey,a quality life style ..nice breath air..walking track for my soft exercise…never need a car anymore to get job done..only manage your two feet ..depend on how hard you can do..clean food from garden…fresh and simple…less shopping,no need buying brand name cloth and acessories..not much spending for your living..lot of stars in sky and sleep early in bed…no pollution, no noise like in the city ,only sound of river and waterfall..all around with amazing and beautiful nature…some may seen as a boring stuff..but for my age, i consider as a quality life style which i am looking for quite long time ago….

There are so many interesting things and persons around me..almost everyday. I am fascinated with small little thing ..give you little sample of bakery this small village named Old Manali, we have more than 5 bakery house..named English Bakery…German Bakery..etc…..All runs by local Himachali or Napali young couple who is the shop owner, they never been to England,France,German or Italy, they all make wonderful bread and pastry, we always enjoy nice coffee or tea with their apple pie, cherry cake, croissant ,muffin,american brownie and many more..right from the oven every early morning..We sit back,relax with a sip of black coffee from coffee machine,not instant coffee which they serve all over India..watching out to the small road, observe people moving up and down, like you are sitting on the side road in Rome.Aroma of Coffee makes you really feel that way,the cool breeze insist you that you are in different world,not in a part of India..

And in this small place, just like a meeting point ,lead us to the big journey of many people who carry their dreams,experience,excitement,hope,joyful,believing in many ways of life journey…some people,some story is very worthy to remember and become a long last friend.I love to introduce them to you in next chapter..


World Nomads
Travel Safety

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