THINK BILINGUAL iPad learning app Review by jackie


My kids are using THINK IN ENGLISH and last night played it for hours

This is not a paid review. I downloaded the app last night and my 6 year old daughter was on it for hours. I do have to help her but I understand a new version will be coming out for younger kids. The app is for english, spanish, and french. My daughter is Thai so using the english for now!

from Think in English

For Parents:

The game is best for children 8-16. If you are working together with your child, or helping your child start, the keys are:

  • Make sure they understand that they have to help the alien family! This sets up each stage.
  • Make sure the children are comfortable with the word book before moving to the game. If the words are new, it is a good idea to take a couple sessions to practice the words. Turn off the sound and writing in the word book. When the children are calling out the words themselves with some confidence, they can move on to the game.
  • If your child is 5-7, it is still possible to use the game, but you have to do it together. There are a lot of words in each of the stages, so take your time!
  • If you are working with younger children, you can let them play in their own language to reinforce the bilingual concept.
  • Encourage repeating the language. Try to keep the rule of no translating


Their web site is Think Bilingual!

We recommend this app!

Think Bilingual! - Interact and Immerse

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