Thai Shortbread Cookies (Kanom Gleeb Lam Duan) by Ying Ying

Thai Shortbread Cookies (Kanom Gleeb Lam Duan)

Thai Shortbread Cookies (Kanom Gleeb Lam Duan)

Another Thai tradition dessert that many Thai know. This menu is not too hard to make. The taste of sweet and the smell from fragrant candle are hard to break your will!


  1. 150 grams cake flour 2. 76 grams powdered sugar 3. One pinch of salt 4. 1 teaspoon rose extract or vanilla extract Enough melted lard or mild-flavored vegetable oil or melted butter to create a smooth dough (approximately 6-7 fluid ounces)


Thai Shortbread Cookies (Kanom Gleeb Lam Duan)

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

Mix the dry ingredients together in a mixing bowl. Slowly add your fat of choice into the flour mixture and stir with a spoon until the mixture forms a ball with some dry flour on the sides of the bowl. At this point, use your hands to gently mix the dough. You want a smooth dough that is not too wet or sticky and not so dry that it cracks and crumbles when you tear off a piece and try to make a ball out of it. Once a smooth ball is achieved, cover the bowl with a tea towel and let rest 2-3 minutes.

Meanwhile prepare one large cookie sheet by lining it with a piece of parchment paper or a Silpat mat. Form the dough into one-inch balls. For each one-inch ball, make a ¼-inch ball — that’s your stamen. Cut each one-inch ball into quarters. With your index finger and thumb, pinch and shape each wedge to form clean, crisp edges. Arrange four wedges on the prepared cookie sheet, conjoining and slightly overlapping the tips of the “petal.” With the tip of your pinkie or the wide end of a chopstick, lightly press the overlapped petal tips to “glue” them together and form a well into which the “stamen” will go. Lightly press a ¼ inch-ball into the well. Repeat. You should have about 15 flowers. Be sure to leave about one inch space between them on the cookie sheet.

Bake for 20 minutes. The cookies are done even though they’re not golden browned. (You get more brown color if you use melted butter, slightly darker color if you use lard, and very pale color if you use vegetable oil.) Let the cookies cool on the cookie sheet before transferring them onto a cooling rack. Store in an airtight container.



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