Fried corn patty Recipe by Ying Ying

Another light meal that cooked by mixed with minced pork.
Knead all ingredients with herbs then mold and fry them.
Ingredent 1 200 grams Minced Pork 2. 150 grams Cooked Kernels of Corn 3. 1 Egg 4. 5 Tbsp. Fried Flour 5. 1 Tbs. Coriander Root (finely chopped) 6. 1 Tbs. Minced Garlic 7. 1/2 Tbs. Cayenne Pepper 8. 1/2 Tbsp. Granulated Sugar 9. 1 Tbsp. Soy Sauce 10. 1 Tbsp. Oyster Sauce 11. 1 Cup Oil 12. Tomato Sauce

How to cook

1. Pour all ingredients into a bowl (except oil, palm oil sauce, plum sauce and tomato sauce) knead well together until smooth. 2. Heat oil to medium. Tap water with both hands. Mold corn Kernels cake into round pieces and press them flat. Fry until golden brown. Drain dry.

Served with plum sauce or tomato sauce. Ready to eat.

have you had this before do you have a recipe you would like to share

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