Boomers Cafe and Bar great american food and bar Kamala Phuket Thailand by jackie

Boomers Cafe and Bar great american food and bar Kamala Phuket Thailand

Boomer American cafe and bar Kamala Thailand

Boomer American cafe and bar Kamala Thailand 2

Boomers Cafe and Bar that serves great american food is located Kamala, Phuket Thailand. Map Address is 69/11 Soi Fantasia Kamala Phuket Thailand. He has Wifi and free pool. I love his hamburger and fries and the tacos are good also. Friendly people! Can also check out his reviews at Trip Advisor To see my Fine Art Collection of Kamala Phuket Thailand Across the street is for rental is a great Villa. You can read my blog on Villa Lila

Boomers new sign and view from road

Boomers new sign and view from road

view coming from main road

Boomer American cafe and bar Kamala Thailand

Boomer American cafe and bar Kamala Thailand


Boomers Place looking out

Boomers Place looking out

His menu really good American Food

Boomer American cafe and bar menu  Kamala Thailand

Boomer American cafe and bar menu Kamala Thailand


Boomers Cafe Sign

Boomers Cafe Sign

please add any comments Have you been there?



One Comment on “Boomers Cafe and Bar great american food and bar Kamala Phuket Thailand by jackie

  1. Pingback: Papillon Bar and Restaurant Kamala Review by jackie | LIFE SE ASIA MAGAZINE

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