Airports Thailand

Major Airports

Suvarnabhumi Airport

Thailand Airports Suvarnnabhumi

(BKK) serves as the primary international airport in Thailand for numerous international airlines, most with direct flights from abroad landing in the Thai capital. Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK), located in Bangkok, is the busiest airport of the country and sixth busiest in Asia. Suvarnabhumi is the sixteenth busiest airport in the world. The name Suvarnabhumi was chosen by King Bhumibol Adulyadej and refers to the golden kingdomhypothesised to have been located somewhere in Southeast Asia. On social networks, Suvarnabhumi is the world’s most popular place where Instagram photographs were taken in 2012.

Suvarnnabhumi Airport

LINK TO Suvarnabhumi Airport

Flight Information click on the link

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