Sponsor/Ad Information


We are a young blog, our core value is quality and trying to provide the most reliable, best information/resources about life here in SE Asia.

We cover life here in SE Asia and not just travel as there are plenty that do a very good job. We focus on living here, education, health, culture, social and art. We tell the story with emphasis on photography. The beauty of everyday people living life and the nature that surrounds us. We started September 2014 with big ambitions and goals. There now over 3000 followers (actual not paid) with average of 2000 visitors per month for 2015. Small but quality now, but with big ambitions to build us up.

To View our 2015 Report

For a Sponsor post/article

$50.00 Will use all of our social media to promote View our page Write for US about guest writers for details and what is required After contacting us and we review your information/photos/article we will get back!

For a Sponsor ad on our sidebar

$100.00 for 3 months will use all our social media to promote we limit only 4 ads on the sidebar.

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Contact us with your details and we can discuss or email me at [email protected]