Peter Campbell About

Do you want to travel?

This is the classic question. If you don’t I’m not going to try to convince you. But if you do you’ve probably already realized how difficult the finances behind it are. You have probably also realized how intimidating it is to pack up and leave for the great unknown based solely on your quirky, existential, romantic sense of adventure. It’s actually terrifying, but for better or worse, it’s what I am doing.

During my research, it really would have put my mind at ease if somebody could have just walked me through the day-to-day logistics and practicalities of how travel actually works. Most of the hippie travelers I spoke to during this time didn’t have much more to offer than “you just gotta go do it, man.” That is definitely true, but if you are like me, that is not enough to get you onto a plane to a 3rd world country. But hopefully this travel blog will help with that.

My goal here is to encourage you, reader – to show you that it can be done, no matter who you are or where you come from. I was raised an upper-middle class W.A.S.P. from the Midwest – it literally doesn’t get any more average or any less diverse than that. When I started I had no savings or debt… or any real experience handling money in real life. Financially I was a blank slate. But I am figuring it out, day by day. If I can do it so can you.

I am doing some off-roading in life and I am doing it for as little money as possible. As I go I will share the process – and none of that ’15 Things I Learned in Paraguay’ bullshit. I’m not Buzzfeed. I’m just here to share my stories with you. I will tell you the facts and figures of what happens and try to keep my opinions out of it (mostly). Things will definitely not go according to plan (they haven’t so far) but I will share the process & problems with excruciating honesty. AND this will all be done in real-time. So if you have any suggestions, thoughts, questions or comments, they would be very welcome. Feel free to get in touch through the ‘Contact’ page above.

About me:

My name is Peter Campbell, and, in 2014, at the ripe old age of 21, I graduated from Boston University with a degree in Business. From there I moved to Hanoi, Vietnam to teach English & do some exploring around Asia. I enjoy movies with lots of tasteless violence, long walks on the beach and a good cold glass of apple juice. Nice to meet you.

You can also follow Peter at his own Blog Peter’s Big Adventure