Seafood/Yellow Rice in Pineapple Khao Aob Sab Pa Rod by jackie

FRIED RICE/pineapple seafoodand yellow rice

Seafood/Yellow Rice in Pineapple Khao Aob Sab Pa Rod

I had a new Thai dish couple days ago and really enjoyed it.

I met a friend couple days ago for lunch at the Salaloy Seafood Restaurant on Rawai Beach Phuket. I have eaten here many times but this trip was to do a review. I nice place to eat, good food and nice view of Rawai Beach. I cook a little Thai and enjoy always trying something new, (even insects). My friend ordered this and was it good. I found a good youtube video with the how to, hope you have a chance to try it.

FRIED RICE/pineapple seafoodand yellow rice

The review of Salaloy Seafood Restaurant

Travel Safety

One Comment on “Seafood/Yellow Rice in Pineapple Khao Aob Sab Pa Rod by jackie

  1. Pingback: Salaloy Seafood Restaurant Rawai Thailand Review by jackie | LIFE SE ASIA MAGAZINE

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